Gillvray Health -
Taking care of the health of your workplace
Gillvray Health Corporate
In 2018/19 stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 44% of all work-related ill health cases and 54% of all working days lost due to ill health. At any one time, one worker in six will be experiencing depression, anxiety or problems relating to stress. In many cases, these problems lead to absence from work. The average employee takes seven days off sick each year of which 40 per cent are for mental health problems (Source: The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, Policy Paper 8). This adds up to £8.4 billion a year in sickness absence in employee mental health costs
Approximately 8 million adults in the UK report chronic pain that is moderate to severely disabling. Back pain alone accounts for 40% of sickness absence and overall it costs £10 billion for the UK economy.
This was before Covid. Stats show we are tipping into a mental health crisis as a result of the destabilising effect of the global pandemic. Stats show that post pandemic with concerns around an economic crisis that close to half of the working population in the UK feel close to burnout. 52% of workers have considered leaving their work with 59% stating mental health as the reason. 35% say that better mental health support through work would encourage them to stay. (Source: Westfield Health 2022)
Now is the time to invest in your workforce and help them to feel strong in their body and mind and valued by you as their employer.
At Gillvray Health we look at the whole of an individual. We work with physical and mental health. Everything is evidence based. We know that talking therapies, exercise and breathwork are the best way to help our mental and physical health.
We can organise weekly fitness or yoga sessions for your employees that can be done remotely live or from recordings that are accessible to your employees.
We can organise short talks on topics such as stress and sleep, or full one day workshops combining sessions on mind, body and breath.
Want your staff to be able to access talking therapies as they need? We offer packages of therapy alongside advice on ways of reducing stress and individual programmes of exercise or breathwork as needed.
Organising a retreat or a team building event, invite us along to run the event or run a session. Again this can be a remote online version or face to face.
“Thanks so much for the session… the team have been talking about and they have also been sharing lots since then which has been great. In particular their own methods for being mindful and looking after themselves, such as writing journals, routines etc.”
Want private medical care for your staff, appointments offered through Cambridge Private Doctors
Public Speaking on Health and Wellbeing Topics
Sign up for Dr Claire and Lucy to come and talk to your team on health and wellbeing topics.
The combination of scientific and evidence based knowledge alongside practical sessions on breathwork and movement will leave your team feeling empowered and energised.
Well recieved topics include - workplace wellbeing, menopause, stress, men's mental health, sleep, nutrition, burnout, addiction
Sessions specifically for managers and leaders.